Today was the infamous Anarchist Mountain. We left the campsite around 9am. The first 15k were completely up hill. We were averaging between 8 and 12kms an hour. The view was spectacular, and with plenty of stops for pictures, it wasn’t that difficult. I drank 3 litres of water, ate 12 Reese Cups, and had 2 energy gels by the time we made it to the summit; roughly 22kms. That’s like going up Whoop-up 14 times! It was a steep ride coming down the other side of the Mountain. At one time, Brett passed me going over 70km/h. I’m definitely a more conservative biker with respects to hills. My top speed today was 55km/h.
We stopped and had lunch at a beautiful park for an hour. I had another flat (5 so far), and dropped behind the others. My chain later came off, and I realized my actual tire was blown. After the ringing stopped in my year from bursting a tire tube with a kink in it, I continued to catch up with Brett and Vanessa. I thought they would be considerably ahead of me, but they weren’t. Brett knee was really acting up. He could hardly walk on it. We decided to spend the night in a little town, whose name escapes me at this moment. We only rode 75k, and we’re 60k short of Grande Forks. Most likely, Brett will ride in the Van the next couple days. He will come back to BC and ride the distance he missed after we’ve completed the trip. This is pretty much the worst thing that could happen to him. We hope his knee improves soon so he can continue on.
We ended up in this great RV campsite. We went for dinner at a small mom and pop restaurant, where it was rather difficult to get them to understand what things I couldn’t eat. Our goal is Cristina Lake tomorrow, but we’re hoping to make it a bit further.
We stopped and had lunch at a beautiful park for an hour. I had another flat (5 so far), and dropped behind the others. My chain later came off, and I realized my actual tire was blown. After the ringing stopped in my year from bursting a tire tube with a kink in it, I continued to catch up with Brett and Vanessa. I thought they would be considerably ahead of me, but they weren’t. Brett knee was really acting up. He could hardly walk on it. We decided to spend the night in a little town, whose name escapes me at this moment. We only rode 75k, and we’re 60k short of Grande Forks. Most likely, Brett will ride in the Van the next couple days. He will come back to BC and ride the distance he missed after we’ve completed the trip. This is pretty much the worst thing that could happen to him. We hope his knee improves soon so he can continue on.
We ended up in this great RV campsite. We went for dinner at a small mom and pop restaurant, where it was rather difficult to get them to understand what things I couldn’t eat. Our goal is Cristina Lake tomorrow, but we’re hoping to make it a bit further.
Hey Kelly!
Looks like your trip is a blast! I hope Brett's knee gets better, and I think you should start stocking up on Peanut Butter Cups because it seems like you're going thru a mountian of them! Looking forward to reading more, hope everyone is safe!
Kelly...maybe we had better get in touch with the manufacturers of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and suggest they assist in sponsoring your trip...what a great Ad that would be for them...Reeses fueled the bike ride across Canada!!!
Sorry to see Brett is having a problem with his knee...We are looking forward to seeing you all soon...Bob Cooney wants to know when you will be making the ride into Lethbridge so he can get the media to attend...so when you have an inkling just let us know...approximate dates and times etc. Continue to enjoy this wonderful experience!! Anne
Hey Kelly!
We are all enjoying reading your blogs! I'm also just checking in to see when you think your team will be hitting Lethbridge. Can you let us know (by early Monday morning at the latest) when you anticipate arriving in Lethbridge and when you'll be departing?
Many thanks!
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